Dirk (emcee)

Start time - 6pm ET / 5pm Central (try to be there by ~4:40 Central for platform entry check and soundcheck)

Because there will be more guest emcees than admin slots, we have to make a generic "admin" account for you to use to access and have emcee privileges.

Here is the event link: https://www.airmeet.com/e/a4749250-69ba-11ed-aa21-311319dc911b

Email to enter: dkairmeet1@datingkinky.com

Password: NotCheating0128!

Pre-start of show notes:

1) Make sure "Rec" button (in bottom right of the pre-show window) is set to "on" (should be in green)

2) If a presenter is having an issue with their audio and/or video, ask them to refresh their connection. If issues persist, please reach out to Ryan (castaway) and Miss Nookie.
2a) If there is enough time, we can also advise them to go to Airmeet 24/7 Live Help ("?")

3) At your appointed start time (assuming your presenter and you are ready to go), press the "Start Session" button. That button will start a countdown and open up your room to attendees.
3a) Once that countdown finishes, attendees will start to file in. For the next five minutes, welcome folks as they come in, inform them that the class will start proper in "a few minutes", ask them if they can hear you.
3b) Inform the chat of a) the open chatspace (leftmost tab), the Q&A tab to the immediate right (for all of their questions during the class), and the emoticon button below.

4) There is no "start record" button. Once ready, just start your intro.



Welcome to the It's Not Cheating weekend, hosted by Dating Kinky/Curiouser.

My name is Dirk Hooper, and I will be your emcee. Our next class for the weekend will be Talking Trans - Interlacing Trans, Nonmonogamy and Kink.

After the presentation, we will leave room at the end of the allotted time for questions from the attendees. However, you do not have to wait until the end to ask - we absolutely welcome all of your questions, comments, and overall engagement throughout the show.

And now, I willl introduce our presenter.

Veronika Mirage is a Transgender Woman.  She is a phone sex operator on NiteFlirt and is in the top 1% of PSOs.  She's an erotic audio content creator, adult film actress, certified behavior change specialist and public speaker/educator on trans issues. She regularly appears on the Mōn App, hosting a room called "Trans Talk.  Staring in January, she will begin appearing with Free the Kink in her Facebook Live presentation "Talking Trans" twice a month.

Veronika's Christmas poem "Twas The Night Before Cuckmas" was just part of the Venus Cuckoldress Podcast on Christmas Eve. She identifies as a cuckoldress and has been involved in D/s relationships as well as monogamous partnerships.  Her kinks are many and her view from a transgender woman's point of view is something not a lot of people get to experience, especially since she is a cuckoldress. 

So let's get started, shall we? Please welcome Veronika Mirage!


And that wraps it up for this class!

Thank you for joining us and taking time to learn more about Talking Trans - Interlacing Trans, Nonmonogamy and Kink.

Please give her a round of applause, and make sure to friend/follow/connect with her.

Her links are in the chat.


Does Veronika have a special promo or offer we can share?

I have a few announcements to make about upcoming events and some cool things we're doing here at DK.

The last class of the evening is The Venn Diagram of Kink & Cuckolding, presented by Mistress K & Shy, which will began at 7:30pm ET.

But the night will continue, as our Lounge will be open all evening for socializing, and we will also fire up a few rounds of 5 minute 1-1 Speed Kinking for anyone interested.

And once Sunday morning rolls around, I will be back to wake you up on Sunday morning at 10am Eastern, for a pair of classes.

And now a few general announcements:

If anyone has any feedback for the Not Cheating event, whether it be general or specific, please contact us at Dating Kinky here:


Want to help Dating Kinky do and be more? Volunteer your skills to our kinky cause! Use the link in chat to let us know what you can do.


And last, but not least, if you'd like to present on a topic that you're passionate about, please let us know! We'd love to have you. We're looking for presenters related to all kinds of kink, and always looking to fill guest spots on nonmonogamy, communication, submission, FemDom, and we're always on the lookout for authors for our Book Club.

Join our kinky rolodex, and we'll get in touch!


Thank you again for joining us!. It's been a pleasure having you here, and we hope to see you in more presentations and social events this weekend.